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News: Lego Lock Picking Robot

"A major hardware update to the masterlock cracking robot. Upgraded the previously non-working latch opening mechanism to be geared down 1:25, allowing it to open the shackle. I also revamped the motor mount to be sturdier, and the base of the unit to hold the lock better and also be easier to mount parts to.

News: LEGO Tron Quorra

"It seems that artist Iain Heath is quite enamored with her as well, as he’s decided to turn her Tron Legacy character Quorra into an awesome LEGO model. At only 12 inches tall and made of blocky LEGO bits, the model doesn’t exactly capture Olivia Wilde’s character in all her glory, but it’s remarkable nonetheless. Looking almost like pixel art due to its small scale, it still packs a ton of detail, from the black bob haircut to the design of the light cycle suit covering her body. Of course,...

News: LEGO Robotic Monster Chess

The battery-operated, Bluetooth-controlled pieces use downward-facing sensors to read grids built into the individual squares on the board. They then communicate with the controlling computer to keep track of their location in relation to other pieces. The computer tells each piece which direction to go, and how far, on its turn.

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